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Second edition of Business, Arts and Sports Polish Snooker Championship

The second edition of Business, Arts and Sports Polish Snooker Championship ended. We are happy that Championships were played on Maestato 12 FT Tables. On tables it played a lot of stars Bartłomiej Topa, Leszek Lichota, Przemysław Sadowski, Mikołaj Roznerski, Tomasz Oświeciński, Przemek Kossakowski, Rafał Brzozowski  Radosław Kawa Kawęcki and representatives of the business ERG Bieruń Folie - bilard team, Wiśniowski, Maserati Pietrzak, Jubiler PLUCINSKI, HiT Transport. Our tables obtained the positive opinion of many competitors. We are glad that we could be part of this event.

Congratulation for the winners : Tomaszowi Bugaj, Tomaszowi Leśniak, Waldemarowi Fabisz and Jarosławowi Ptak.

Hope to see you next year!

Maestato Team
