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2016 IBSF World Snooker Championship

Preparations got over for the 2016 IBSF World Snooker Championship. Matches start 19.11.2016 at Al-Sadd Sports Club in Doha with the finals for Men, Masters and Women category to be played on November 29th. Total 238 players from 58 countries are participating in this championship, which is highest in the recent years. These 238 players includes, 126 Men, 27 Women and 85 Masters cueists. Total 41 Referees will look after all matches over these 10 days. Total 20 match table have placed inside the Al-Sadd Sports Club. These tables are sponsored by M/s. Shender. Table cloth in use is 6811 30Oz and ball-set Aramith Tournament Champion 1G, which are also sponsored by Strachan and Aramith.

Marcin Nitschke and Krzysztof Wróbel represent Poland at te Championship.

Good luck and we keep our fingers crossed !
